Changing Your
Outlook on Internal Audits
Part Two- What is a Control Environment?
There are myriad whitepapers and scholarly articles
discussing control environment theories. Many of these documents discuss in
detail the components of the concept of controls. At the heart of the matter, the control
environment is comprised of your institutions ability to identify the risks
inherent in ongoing operations compared to the steps you have taken to mitigate
those risks. Put another way, why DO
you have written policies and procedures?
What are they designed to do?
Policies and procedures often seem like an arcane phrase that auditors
and examiners like to glibly toss out, but they really are the heart of the
control environment. The process of
developing policies and procedures should follow the development of a risk
assessment. Risk assessments are too
often performed as a matter of course and then forgotten throughout the
An effective risk assessment of your compliance program can
be an excellent source document for various things including budgeting requests
for additional resources and scoping of audits. Completing the
assessment includes considering the inherent risk at your institution, the
internal controls that have been established to address risk and a
determination of the residual risk. The process is intended to be
one of self-reflection and consideration of the areas of potential
weakness. For those areas that have the potential to be a problem, the
best practice is to make sure they are included in the scope of an audit.
Audit firms are more than happy to work with the management of the institutions
they are reviewing on developing a scope. One of the crucial goals of the
audit is to uncover areas where there are weaknesses in internal
controls. For example, in your risk assessment, you may have noted a
large number or errors in disclosures for new accounts. This are should
subsequently be a focus for the internal auditors when the compliance audit is
In the previous blog, we talked about the FFIEC compliance
rating system gives a great deal of incentive to follow a process in this order
Complete risk assessment covering products and
o Plus
Development of the policies and procedures
designed to address the risk identified in the first step
o Plus
Development of the policies and procedures designed
to address the risk identified in the first step
o Equals
Your control environment
Of course, that is not the end of the story. If fact, that is only the first half. Once the control environment has been
established, it is critical to determine which controls are preventative and
which are detective.
Preventative Controls:
are designed to keep errors or irregularities from occurring in the first
place. They are built into internal control systems and
require a major effort in the initial design and implementation stages. Put another way, preventative controls are
designed to keep bad things form happening at the inception.
Detective Controls: is an
internal control intended to find problems within a company's
processes. Detective controls are designed to find problems in delivery
and implementation
The way that you test these controls depends on how they are
designed to work. In the case of preventative
controls, the test is to determine whether they keep a transaction form being
completed based upon an error. Detective
controls are designed to catch problems in the overall process such as adverse
actions that have a problem trend.
Consider the implications for the internal audit
process. The current process tests the
results and not the control environment.
Your auditor could test 50 loans and find no problem. The conclusion that is drawn is that all is
well; but really how do you know that loans 51-70 are not all problem loans? The idea here is to self-police by testing
the control environment
As we noted in the first part of this series, the scope of
the internal audit function at financial institutions has been an area of focus
for regulators. Regulators have focused on whether the scope of internal
audits meets both regulatory standards and is appropriate in light of the
overall risk profile of a financial institution. It is the second of
these two considerations that has most often caused findings and created
concerns. It is, therefore, critical that the scope of audits
reflect an understanding of the risks inherent at your financial institution.
A control risk assessment (or risk assessment methodology)
documents the internal auditor's understanding of the institution's significant
business activities and their associated risks. These assessments typically
analyze the risks inherent in a given business line, the mitigating
control processes, and the resulting residual risk exposure of the institution.
They should be updated regularly to reflect changes to the system of internal
control or work processes, and to incorporate new lines of business.[1]
At smaller institutions, there generally is not a full-time
internal auditor on staff. This does not obviate the need for
comprehensive and timely risk assessments. Unfortunately, the risk
assessment process is often overlooked. The risk assessment should
consider the following:
Past Examination and Audit Results-
It goes without saying that the past can be a prelude to the
future. Prior findings are an immediate indication of lack of
effectiveness of internal controls. It is important that the root cause
of the finding or recommendations from regulators is identified and
addressed. Internal audits should coordinate with the risk assessment to
test the effectiveness of the remediation.
Changes in Staff and Management
Change is inevitable and along with changes comes the
possibility that additional training should be implemented or that the
resources available to staff should also change. For example, suppose the
head of Note Operations is brand new. This new manager will want to
process loans using her/his own system. Loan staff who may be used to
past procedures may become confused. Change generally increases the
possibility of findings or mistakes. Your risk assessment should
take into account the risks associated with changes and how best to address
them. In addition, this is an area that should be covered by internal
audit as it presents a risk.
Changes in Products, Customers or Branches
It is also important that your risk assessment consider
all of the different aspects of changes that have occurred or will occur
during the year. Any new products or services, new vendors, and/or
marketing campaigns that are designed to entice new types of customers are all
changes that impact the overall risk profile of the institution.
The resources necessary to address these changes should also be a
consideration for the internal audit.
Changes in Regulations
Over the past few years, there have been a huge number of
changes to regulations, guidance and directives from Federal and State
agencies. Many of these changes do not impact smaller institutions
directly, but many do. Moreover, there are often regulations that are
finalized in one year that don’t become effective until the following
year. Part of your risk assessment process has to consider changes
that will affect your institution. The internal audit scope should also
consider whether the institution is prepared to meet changing regulatory
Monitoring systems in place
The information systems being employed to monitor the
effectiveness of internal controls should be considered. For many institutions,
this system is comprised of word of mouth and the results of audits and
examinations. Information used by senior management and reported to the
Board should be sufficient to allow credible challenges by the Board.[2]
Using the Risk assessment to Set Audit Scopes
Once a risk assessment is completed, the results should be
directly tied to the internal audit schedule. The FIIEC guidance
points out the relationship between the internal audit plan and the risk
An internal audit plan is based on the control risk
assessment and typically includes a summary of key internal controls within
each significant business activity, the timing and frequency of planned
internal audit work, and a resource budget.[3]
The risk assessment should prioritize the potential for
findings, while the audit scope should be developed to test mitigation steps
made to reduce findings.
The criticism that is often raised about outsourced audit is
that the scope is incomplete. This is often the case because outsourced
vendors have developed their scope based upon best practices, and their
experiences at various institutions. While this is obviously a best
practice for the audit vendor, the problem is that it doesn’t always fit the
individual institution. Information from a comprehensive risk
assessment should be incorporated into the scope of an internal audit.
In this manner, the auditor can best consider the areas of
risk that are the highest priority at a particular institution. For
example, when developing the scope for an independent audit of a BSA/AML
program, the scope should include the most recent risk assessment.
Changes in the customer base, an increase in the overall risk profile of
the bank or a change in personnel are all factors that should be included in
the audit scope. In addition, the auditor should consider whether current
monitoring systems have the capability to properly monitor the additional level
of risk. Finally, the professional abilities of the BSA staff should be
considered as they relate to additional risk.
Outsourced internal audit firms design the scopes for the
audits that they conduct based upon their knowledge of auditing, regulatory
trends, best practices and the overall knowledge of their staff. This
practice allows the firms to bring a wealth of experience and important
information from outside of the financial institutions that they are
reviewing. When your audit firm presents you the scope that they
propose it is based upon completely external actors and considerations. This
is not a criticism of the firm, it is a standard practice. However,
setting of the scope for internal audits is really supposed to be a
collaborative effort, and both the audit firm and your institution are best
served by developing the scope for audits together, after all, who knows the
strengths and weaknesses of your institution better than the management?
To get the biggest bang for your buck, why not tie the audit scope into the
results of your risk assessment?
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Board to ensure
that the internal audit is effectively testing the strength of internal
[1] Interagency
Policy Statement on the Internal Audit Function and its Outsourcing
[2] See
for example, OCC Guidelines Establishing Heightened Standards for Certain Large
Insured National Banks, Insured Federal Savings Associations
[3] Interagency
Policy Statement on the Internal Audit Function and its Outsourcing