BSA Risk
Assessments-What’s the Point
For those of you who have experienced a BSA examination or
audit, you know one of the first things you are asked for is your BSA/OFAC risk
assessment. It has also likely been your
experience to find a risk assessment deemed complete and not in need of some
sort of enhancement is something of a “unicorn”. In most cases, examinations and audits
include a comment discussing the need to expand the risk assessment and to
include more detail. The detail required
for a complete risk assessment is elusive at best. Often, the right information for the risk
assessment fits the famous Supreme Court definition of pornography- “you know
it when you see it”.
The FFIEC BSA manual is not exactly helpful when it comes to
developing risk assessments. The manual
directs every financial institution should develop a BSA/AML and an OFAC risk
assessment. Unfortunately, the form the
risk assessment should take or the minimum information required are left as
open questions for the financial institution.
Thus, many financial institutions end up with a very basic document
which has been developed to meet a regulatory requirement, but without much
other meaning or use.
As financial institutions continue to change and the number
of financial products and type of institutions offering banking services grows,
the risk assessment can be something entirely different. Taking the approach
that the risk assessment can be used to formulate both the annual budget
request and the strategic plan, can change the whole process.
examination manual specifically mentions risk assessments in the following
“The same risk
management principles that the bank uses in traditional operational areas
should be applied to assessing and managing BSA/AML risk. A well-developed risk
assessment assists in identifying the bank’s BSA/AML risk profile.
Understanding the risk profile enables the bank to apply appropriate risk
management processes to the BSA/AML compliance program to mitigate risk. This
risk assessment process enables management to better identify and mitigate gaps
in the bank’s controls. The risk assessment should provide a comprehensive
analysis of the BSA/AML risks in a concise and organized presentation, and should
be shared and communicated with all business lines across the bank, board of
directors, management, and appropriate staff; as such, it is a sound practice
that the risk assessment be reduced to writing” [1]
This preamble has
several important ideas in it. The
expectation is, management of an institution can identify:
Who its customers are:
including the predominant nature of the customer base- are you a
consumer institution or a commercial at your core? Who are the customers you primarily serve?
What is going on in your service area? Is it a high crime area or a high drug
trafficking area, both or neither? The
expectation is you will know the types of things, both good and bad going on
around you. For example, if you live in
an area where real estate is extremely high cost, there might be several “bad
guys” buying property for cash as a means of laundering money. The point is you need to know what is going
on around you
Where are the outlier customers? Do you
know which types of customers who require being watched more than others? There are some customers who, by the nature
of what they do, require more observation and analysis than others. The question is, have you identified these high-risk
How well are you set up to monitor the risks at your institution? Do you have systems in place are up to the
task to discover “bad things” going?
Does the software you use really help the monitoring process? This analysis should consider whether the
staff you have truly understand the
business models your customers are using.
For example, if your customer base includes Money Service Businesses, do
you have staff in place who know how money services business work and what to
look for? The best software in the world
is ineffective if the people reading the output are not familiar with what
normal activity at an MSB.
Ties to the strategic plan: Does the BSA program have the resources to
match changes in products or services planned for the institution? For example,
if the institution plans to increase the number of accounts offered to money
services business, does the BSA department have an increase in staff included
in its budget?
Effective Risk Management
information and conclusions developed in the risk assessment should be used for
planning the year for the BSA/AML compliance program. The areas with the greatest areas of risk
should also be the same areas with the greatest dedicated resources. Independent audits and reviews should be
directed to areas of greatest risk. For
example, if there are many electronic banking customers at the institutions
while almost no MSB’s, then the audit scope should presumably focus on the
electronic banking area and give MSB’s a limited review. In addition, training should focus on the
BSA/AML risks associated with electronic banking, etc.
Rethinking the Risk Assessment process
development of new products and processes in finance and technology (“fintech”)
and BSA/AML have opened the possibility of a vast array of potential new
products for financial institutions.
Products such as digital wallets and stored value on smartphones have
opened new markets for people who have been traditionally unbanked and
underbanked. Financial institutions which are forward thinking should consider
the possibility some of these new products have the potential to enhance
The ability
to safely and effectively offer new products depends heavily on the ability of
the compliance department to fully handle the regulatory requirements of the
products. When preparing the risk
assessment, consider the resources necessary to offer new and (money making
There are
no absolute prohibitions against banking high risk clients
the FFIEC BSA Examination manual higher risk accounts are defined as:
products and services offered by banks may pose a higher risk of money
laundering or terrorist financing depending on the nature of the specific
product or service offered. Such products and services may facilitate a higher
degree of anonymity, or involve the handling of high volumes of currency or
currency equivalents” [2]
Manual goes on to detail several other factors which should be considered when
monitoring high risk accounts. We note the manual does not conclude high
risk accounts should be avoided.
BSA/AML examination manual (“exam manual”) establishes the standard for
providing banking services to clients who may have a high risk of potential
money laundering. Financial institutions
are expected to:
- Conduct
a risk assessment on each of these clients,
- Consider
the risks presented
- Consider
the strengthening of internal controls to mitigate risk
- Determine
whether the account(s) can be properly monitored and administrated;
- Determine
if the risk presented fits within the risk tolerance established by the
Board of Directors.
these steps are followed to open the account, for high risk customers, there is
also an expectation there will be ongoing monitoring of the account for
potential suspicious activity or account abuse. The exam manual is also clear; once a
procedure is in place to determine and properly mitigate and manage risks,
there is no prohibition against
having high risk customers. The risk
assessment section of the exam manual notes the following:
existence of BSA/AML risk within the aggregate risk profile should not be
criticized as long as the bank’s BSA/AML compliance program adequately
identifies, measures, monitors, and controls this risk as part of a deliberate
risk strategy.”[3]
Once an account has been determined to
be high risk, and an efficient monitoring plan has been developed, there can be
various levels of what high risk can mean. When a customer’s
activity is consistent with the parameters which have been established and have
not varied for some time, then account can technically be high risk but not in
practice. For example, Money Services Businesses are considered
“high-risk” because they fit the definition from the FFIEC manual.
However, a financial institution can establish who the customers of the MSB are
and what they do. A baseline for remittance activity, check cashing and
deposits and wire activity can be established. If the MSB’s
activity meets the established baseline, the account remains “high risk” only
in the technical meaning of the word. Knowing what the customers’
business line is and understanding what the customer is doing as they continue without
much variation reduces the overall risk.
For a more
complete discussion of the effective use of the BSA/AML risk assessment, please
contact us at: